Price: $
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/ 49 ratings

An audio editor for quick cropping, cutting, volume management and quick tweaking of your audio files

Martin Pesch | 1 more apps |
updated on March 5, 2025
323.4kb | free


Completely free with no ads
Audio quality is preserved no matter what you do
More features than its name might suggest
There is a built-in audio recorder as well


The audio waveform isn't shown accurately
There are many icons that might look confusing
Price: $
Basic editing of MP3 files can often be a feature you need to use on a daily basis but many tools make this process needlessly complicated. However, there is a Windows app that promises to take care of this problem so let's see what it's all about!

mp3DirectCut is an audio editor and recorder. It's available for free with no ads or pro versions. It provides many useful features such as cutting, cropping or splitting your MP3 files into many different parts. It uses direct editing, which means that all operations are done on encoded MP3 files and no time is spent on re-encoding.

Also, this means that the original audio quality is preserved when using mp3DirectCut. Some of its great features include Cue sheets, Pause detection, and Auto cue. This can help you divide long audio files easily. With mp3DirectCut, you can also record an audio file, normalize volume, apply fades, and much more. Everything is done without losing audio quality.

After loading an audio file, you will see a message that the waveform shown isn't accurate and it only shows high frequencies. The actual waveform can only be seen when playing the audio. It could be pointed out here that it would be better if we could see the actual waveform straight away.

The overall design otherwise needs some getting used to, as the interface includes a dozen of icons that look similar and you often don't know what you might expect. Still, mp3DirectCut is an awesome free app to have installed!
Reviewed by (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• For MP3 play/cut: MP3 ACM codec (present in Windows) or mpglib.dll
• For AAC play/cut: libfaad2.dll (32 bit)
• For MP3 recording: encoding ACM or Lame encoder DLL (32 bit)
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• For MP4 demuxing: ffmpeg.exe

Previous versions

2.38, 2.37, 2.36, 2.35, 2.34,
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Operating system


Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


Total: 13498
Last week: 112

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